Shot one
Close up of dancer moving (moving the rocks with their feet creating shapes.)
Concentrated on that not looking at the camera.
Same dancer same movement showing whole body.
Then a close up shot of just the feet and the movement.
Second Shot (Not Rotated)
Someone is sitting on the round section so it looks as if they are sitting on the ground. They will then slowly stand on the ground which will seem like the wall. Then push off the wall and create different poses.
Third Shot
Shot Four
Pedestrian movement "looking for something". Have one person start, then add a second, then, third then fourth than fifth. Camera staying stationary.
Just feet in this shot, Coming in and out of the frame, walking running jumping, turning, lots of articulation. Feeling as if they are trying to find a place to sit and after a little while of movement they will find a spot and then they will sit.
Extra Shot